The 3rd House of Gemini favorite_border
If you are a strong 3rd House of Gemini personality type you are very social, communicative, curious, inquisitive, constantly busy receiving and communicating intel. If you have a stellium in the third house, you have a strong Gemini influence. You multitask, you have information about a multitude of topics, and are often wearing multiple hats.
One of a series of 12 videos that will describe the themes and lessons involved in the 3rd House of Gemini. Look to your chart and see where you have three or more planetary placements, called a stellium, and this indicates a strong placement in that house.
Tune in to find out more about the 3rd House of Gemini, and see the Gemini videos below for further explanation of the third astrological sign of the Zodiac.
Deep Dive on Gemini
Overcoming Anxiety for Gemini
Karma of Gemini
Planets of Gemini
Gemini in Action